
I am giving a code talk on observables!

By: Elanna Grossman
Posted Oct 10, 2018
Fireworks by Elanna Grossman

GDG Fresno accepted my talk proposal for Valley DevFest! It is titled Observables Are Not Promises! A How To. The talk will be on October 20, 2018 at 11:00 AM at Bitwise South Stadium in Fresno. I still have some work to do on the talk, and I needed to dust off and update this portfolio.

Here is the talk description:

An exploration of observables, the headlining feature of RxJS and primary asynchronous structure in Angular. We will look at common use cases and pitfalls, both client and server-side, and discuss how to move away from promise-based data flow.

The GitHub repo for the Angular client is here. The API repo is here. The link to the slide deck is here.