Métro graffiti

Making a LocaleUpperCasePipe for Angular

By: Elanna Grossman
Posted Mar 22, 2021
Métro graffiti by Elanna Grossman

The Problem

Angular uses pipes to help transform how data appears in the template. It provides a number of built-in pipes like DatePipe and UpperCasePipe. However, while working on a localization feature for a work project, a coworker pointed out that UpperCasePipe uses toUpperCase() under the hood. toUpperCase() is not locale aware, and will fail at capitalizing letters for certain locales correctly, namely Turkish. Since it is easy to create custom pipes in Angular, I decided to create one that is locale-aware. In this post, I will share the code for the LocaleUpperCasePipe, explain how to use it, and provide links to the repository and a demo.

When given a lowercase value like “ılıman ilik”, the UpperCasePipe will return ILIMAN ILIK, which is wrong. The correct result should be ILIMAN İLİK. (I apologize for the silly Turkish. I am not a speaker and I was looking for an easy test value).

The LocaleUpperCasePipe

Pipes can take arguments. I have designed this one to accept an optional locale argument. If it receives no argument, it uses a fallback value of a default language.

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

import { Constants } from '../../utils/constants';

@Pipe({ name: 'localeuppercase' })
export class LocaleUpperCasePipe implements PipeTransform {
    value: string | null | undefined,
    language?: string
  ): string | null {
    if (value == null) {
      return null;
    if (typeof value !== 'string') {
      return '';
    const locale = language || Constants.defaultLanguage;

    try {
      return value.toLocaleUpperCase(locale);
    } catch (error) {
      return value.toLocaleUpperCase(Constants.defaultLanguage);

I designed the pipe to prefer a passed-in locale argument to the fallback value. If the locale argument is an invalid value, the pipe catches the error, outputs it as a warning to the console, and falls back to using the default locale value. There is a default language value so in cases where the default language would be something like Turkish, it can be set, and then the pipe can be used without needing to pass in an argument (unless capitalizing a word from a different language).

The constants file looks like this:

export interface IConstant {
  defaultLanguage: string;

export const Constants: IConstant = {
  defaultLanguage: 'en-US',

Using the Pipe

Here is an example of using the pipe with no argument:

{{ testValue | localeuppercase }}

And here is the pipe with a locale argument:

{{ testValue | localeuppercase: "tr-TR" }}


The repository includes unit tests for the pipe to help dial in the desired behavior, and shows multiple examples of the pipe being used.

Here is the repository on GitHub, and here is a working demo of the code on StackBlitz.