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A Curated List of Angular Resources

By: Elanna Grossman
Updated Oct 21, 2021
Posted Aug 10, 2021
Sky Lodge view by Elanna Grossman

Having worked with Angular since mid-2017, I have collected many resources that I have found useful. I will keep this list up to date.

Updated Oct 21, 2021 - fixed broken links.

Angular Resources

General Documentation

  • Includes good tutorials, detailed documentation, and API references along with interactive code snippets. This should be the default destination for Angular questions. Note: There are multiple versions of the “Tour of Heroes” tutorial demonstrating different concepts.
  • Resources The official and hopefully maintained list of resources from the Angular team.
  • John Papa style guide The de facto style guide for Angular has been officially adopted by the Angular team and is now hosted on the official website. It is highly opinionated, but makes good cases for its suggestions. I follow most of it and do not disagree strongly with any of its suggestions.
  • Netanel Basal Another skilled Angular developer with useful tutorials and deep dive articles.
  • Angular University Has multiple tutorials and deep dives for all things Angular.
  • community Formerly Angular In Depth. Covers RxJS, NgRX and Angular in depth – has articles explaining how and why Angular is architected.
  • Todd Motto A Google Developer Expert who writes detailed articles explaining Angular functionality and convention. His writing and explanation style differ sufficiently from the official documentation that it is a good supplemental resource.
  • Strong Brew Technical high level articles for Angular, RxJS, and coding practices.

Essential articles

Angular Best Practices


Unit Testing

Testing Tools

Error Handling



Getting Started

Understanding Higher Order Observable Operators



Understanding Hot and Cold Observables

RxJS Error Handling

Advanced RxJS



Advanced Types


  • Generics · TypeScript Generics are a great way of avoiding having to use any because they enact ‘generic’ behavior on the type passed in.